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EurAupair Announces Four Cultural Meeting Ideas for Community Counselors and Their Au Pairs

EurAupair has announced four ideas community counselors and their au pairs can use for their cultural meetings this fall.

USA - November, 2016 - EurAupair, a non-profit cultural exchange sponsor, has announced four ways community counselors have helped expand their au pairs cultural understanding of America through volunteering efforts, cultural museums, local seasonal attractions, and the all-American road trip. 

The best way to learn a new culture is by experiencing the culture and find out what it has to offer. With the vastness of America, what better way to get a deeper understanding of the culture than by road trip? Seattle community counselor Natalie Kratzer-Gushwa, together with Shari Rust, organized a road trip this year to meet with Oregon community counselors and their au pairs.

Attending local seasonal events and attractions is another great way for community counselors to expand their au pair's cultural understanding. For example, community counselor Yvonne Hollingsworth of Sacramento, CA, took her au pair Lais to Apple Hill for cider and apple donuts, a cultural experience to last a lifetime.

Museums and Art Studios also make great destinations for cultural events. Au pairs Emeline and Teresa, with their community counselor Nikki Gravler, spent a day learning about America's Civil Rights Movement at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Community counselor Barbro Miles took her au pairs to The Workhouse Art Center in Lorton to view local artists and craftsmen.

Volunteering has always played a large role in cultural meetings, but it doesn't have to be limited to food pantries and homeless shelters. In fact, community counselor Joana Godinho and her au pairs Anna and Bruna volunteered at two marathon events, one in New York City, where Joana completed her first ever marathon, and again in DC, at the Wear Blue at the Marine Corp Marathon.

To learn more ideas for cultural events, or for more information about au pairs in America, please contact EurAupair directly.

About EurAupair:

EurAupair is a trusted not-for-profit au pair agency in the USA. They work to connect young people from across the globe, while providing opportunities for au pairs to study in America in exchange for child care assistance. 


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Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(949) 494-5500

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