- Program Benefits
- Regular & Par Expérience
- Host Family Qualifications
- What is an Au Pair
- FAQ's
- Our Commitment
- Testimonials
- Tax Information
- Reference Forms
- Online Application
- Cancellation Policy

The EurAupair Commitment
Through EurAupair's 12-Month Au Pair Commitment, host families and au pair participants are ensured an entire year of a mutually beneficial and rewarding intercultural child care exchange experience.
If, after a 60-day adjustment period, the host family and the EurAupair Community Counselor have determined that the au pair is incompatible with the host family's lifestyle, and the problems and differences are irreconcilable and irresolvable, or the au pair withdraws from the program not due to host family cause, EurAupair will provide the host family with a replacement au pair as soon as possible.
EurAupair will provide you with suitable replacement candidates from which you can choose an au pair based upon the information provided in the Host Family Profile and Agreement, and, if possible, any other reasonable criteria provided by the host family. It can happen that the time remaining on the visa of the replacement au pair extends beyond the original 12-month commitment of the host family.
In the event of au pair reassignment, repatriation, or withdrawal, EurAupair cannot guarantee continuous child care assistance between the original au pair's departure from the family and the arrival of a replacement au pair. It will, however, do everything possible to ensure that, should any lapse in child care assistance occur, it will be minimal.
The host family is obligated to continue hosting and to provide for the health, welfare, and safety of the au pair exchange participant until the au pair returns home or joins another host family. Host families must conform to all U.S. government regulations, program guidelines and rules. Of course, EurAupair will not provide a replacement au pair to any host family that EurAupair determines has violated U.S. government regulations, federal, state or local laws or its obligations to the au pair or the program.