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5 Steps to Finding the Perfect Au Pair

5 Steps to Finding the Perfect Au Pair

Is there such thing as a perfect au pair? The true answer to that question is more that there is an au pair who is the “perfect fit” to your family rather than the perfect au pair. Finding an au pair who is a perfect fit for your family depends on your own personal child care needs, lifestyle, and expectations. All of which you should think of and be aware of before embarking on the search for an au pair. We summarized a few steps for you to consider:

1.      Select 5 to 7 candidates that you are interested in and who look good “on paper”. Use the filters that are available for example for age, country of origin or language spoken, and you may use our key word search for specific hobbies or experiences (e.g. “outdoors”, “piano” or “special needs”).

·        Her Application & “Dear Host Family” Letter will tell you a bit more about her personality and experience. Looking at the ages of the children she cared for and the ages of the siblings she grew up with, will be a great indicator for her experience.

·        Her video and Interviewer’s Report will give you a first glance at her English level.

2.      Once you have identified a handful of candidates who may be a good match for your family, send them an email introducing your family with its members, pets, your home and community, and a short description of your child care needs. Please indicate a few means you would like to use for your interview and suggest a date. Keep in mind to select the correct time for your interview. Most of the au pairs will be able to use Whatsapp, Facetime, or Skype, to video chat with you.

3.      When meeting her on a video call for the first time, begin the conversation with something light (such as the numbers of au pairs you have hosted before, your interest for her country/language) and then elaborate on points that are important to you. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

-         Personalities and activities of each of your children

-         Child care responsibilities expected and typical schedule

-         Challenges or difficulties your children encounter on a daily basis

-         Family time and family meals (any dietary restrictions)

-         Your home and community

-         Your driving needs and the au pair’s driving experience

-         Why does she want to be an au pair

-         Her hobbies and passions

-         Her family and the frequency or activities they share

-         Her reasons for a year in the US

-         Existing piercings or tattoos

-         Expectations to cleanliness

-         The usage of the car in your au pair’s free time

-         Her expectations regarding social and leisure activities (keep in mind au pairs are young adults)

4.      Plan to have a second conversation with your top candidate(s). We encourage all host families to speak several times with their top candidates before making a decision. You may have new questions come up, or your au pair may open up more and ask more questions after having spoken with you once. Make sure the au pair “meets” all family members on video chat.

5.      Even after selecting your au pair we recommend to keep in touch with her until her arrival to your home, so that you are more familiar with each other when the big day comes!

Your au pair (unless she is an in-country or extension au pair) will arrive to your home on a Friday. Remember that a family member must be at home for the first three days after her arrival to your home, so you may help her become familiar with your home, your community, and of course, your children.

If you need any assistance during the selection and interviewing process please do not hesitate to contact your Area Coordinator, call the EurAupair head office or visit our online form!

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