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Safety Tips to Consider Before Hosting an Au Pair

While all au pairs at EurAupair have some experience caring for children, it's always a good idea to go over the following safety tips when hosting an au pair.


Keeping kids safe from themselves is a full-time job in and of itself. Help your au pair keep your kids safe by explaining the basics of childproofing a home and ensuring everyone in the household works to keep it so. Common household hazards for small children include:

  • Small objects within reach
  • Plastic bags
  • Long cords
  • Plush pillows
  • Broken toys
  • Laundry soap and household cleaners
  • Medications

Household Security Alarms

If your home has a security system in place it's important to explain the system to your au pair. They should know how to disarm the system in the event of a false alarm, and what they should do in case of a real emergency.

Poison Prevention

Accidental poison exposure is the second leading cause of injury death in children. Thankfully, most of these can be prevented with a careful eye and an understanding of hazardous items. Make sure your au pair knows:

  • Which household products are poisonous
  • If you have poisonous plants and where they are
  • That personal care products and cosmetics are the leading cause of accidental exposure in kids

The National Safe Kids Campaign provides a lot of useful information and can prove invaluable to au pairs, so be sure to share that with your au pair as well.

Fire Safety

One of the most important things to share with your new au pair is your household's fire safety plan. If you do not have one, now is the time to create one. When hosting an au pair, make sure she understands to:

  • Keep the children away from fireplaces or wood stoves
  • Keep matches, lighters, or candles out of the children's reach
  • Not let the children play with or near electrical cords
  • The home's escape plan and safe meeting spot 
  • Numbers to contact in case of a fire

Playground Safety

At some point, your au pair will want to take the children to the park. Make sure she knows what safety measures to take, including:

  • Watching the children at all times
  • Keep the children hydrated in warm weather
  • Apply sunscreen, even when overcast
  • Pay very close attention around water

For more information on safety or hosting an au pair, please contact EurAupair today!

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