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New Year's Resolutions for Au Pairs in the U.S.

While America is not the only country that participates in the tradition of making New Year's resolutions, they do tend to approach them differently. Au pairs in the U.S. can use this as an opportunity to explore the American culture. Here are a few suggestions from EurAupair to get you started.

Better Health

Improving health is the number one resolution in America. Americans tend to focus on the end result instead of the actions to take - lose ten pounds or run a 5K. Whereas China, for example, they lean more towards the actual action instead - eat healthier or join a gym. 

Continuing Education

Another popular option for New Year's resolution is improving education, understanding of a topic, or learning a new skill. As U.S. au pairs this is a great time to focus on meeting your educational requirements, taking extra time to improve your English, or learning a new hobby. Consider enrolling in your classes early, or get your host siblings involved and sign up for an after-school group learning activity, such as those offered through local community centers.

Improving Communication

When there is a language barrier, such as can often happen with au pairs and their host family, communication may be impaired as well. While you are working to improve your English, now is a great time to also focus on improving your communication skills with your host family and the children.

Getting Organized

Life, in general, is a beautiful mess, but you do not have to let life's chaos run rampant. Instead, make a point to become more organized, both in your everyday life, and at school. 

Make New Friends

As U.S. au pairs, making friends can help you cope with homesickness and add richness to your time in America. Reach out to your community councillor, keep in touch with other local au pairs, start conversations with other caregivers at local parks, and extend friendship to classmates. 

Improve Understanding of the American Culture

The American culture is a wonderful mix from all around the world with a uniqueness that you will find only in America. Resolving to further your current understanding is a great way to get the most out of your time here.

To learn more suggestions for New Year's resolutions, or to request information about becoming an au pair in America, please contact EurAupair today!

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