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Au Pair vs Nanny vs Day Care

Are you thinking of hosting an au pair? See all the benefits of selecting a EurAupair au pair compared to other child care services! 

  • Affordable, with a low average weekly cost. 
  • Reliable, with on-going support and EurAupair's 12-Month Au Pair Commitment
  • Flexible, allowing you to create your own schedule and to deal with the unexpected. 
  • All this combined with Cultural Exchange, as you and your child(ren) learn about another country.
Comparing Child Care Options

Au PairNannyDay Care
CostRoughly $361/week. Per family, not per child!Average $700/week. Cost depends on number of children, geographic region, etcAverage $900/week. Cost depends on number of children, geographic region, etc
FlexibilityCreate your own child care schedule: Au pair is available during sick/snow days and emergency situationsLack of night or weekend coverageInflexible schedules, set hours; no child care when children are sick
Cultural ExchangeHost family learns about au pair's culture, home country and languageVariesVaries. Family is most likely not exposed to different culture
Assistance with Household ChoresHelp with childrens' laundry, meal preparation, tidying childrens' roomsHousehold chores may be included in nanny's duties for additional feesNO
Year-long SupportOngoing support through local community Counselor & 24/7 emergency phone serviceNONO

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