- Become an Au Pair
- Why EurAupair is the Best
- Living in America
- Our Partners in Your Country
- Testimonials
- How to Apply
- Protect Yourself from Scams
- Resources
- Au Pair Insurance
- Education Requirements
- FAQ's

Provide Child Care While Living In America
Of course you know what it is to be an au pair! But living as a EurAupair au pair in the USA is very different, and much more rewarding. As a EurAupair au pair, you live as a member of an American host family, sharing in the joys of family living. You become a special "international daughter," not a servant.
In exchange for up to 45 hours of child care assistance that you will provide for your host family's children each week, you'll have your own furnished private bedroom and receive weekly pocket money. You'll have two weeks of vacation during the year, one entire weekend off per month, and at least one and a half continuous days free each week. You'll have time to spend as you choose, and the opportunity to learn about new subjects in American classes.
Part of being a EurAupair au pair is studying at a local educational institution for 3 hours per week. Your family will help you get enrolled, they will pay up to 500 U.S. dollars for your school fees, and make sure you have transportation to your classes. And of course, you'll meet new American friends as you share their classes and way of life.
Besides your American friends, you'll meet other au pair exchange participants like yourself - young women and men from many countries who've come to your homestay community as EurAupair au pairs. And you'll meet your EurAupair Community Counselor - a special support person and friend - who'll be there for you throughout your year in America.
Safely & Legally Live as an Au Pair in America with EurAupair
When you become a EurAupair au pair, you become a part of one of the most respected cultural exchange organizations in America and the world.
EurAupair is a U.S. Government (United States Department of State) designated au pair cultural exchange program and since its founding in 1988 has provided thousands of au pairs with the opportunity to spend a year as an au pair in the USA.
With EurAupair you have the security of being a legal au pair participant with a proper J-1 exchange visitor program visa. Au pairs who are in the USA illegally can be arrested and expelled from America, without the opportunity to return for many years. They often receive little money, may be abused but have no legal rights, no medical or other insurance and no one to turn to for help. EurAupair offers a safe and legal approach to becoming an au pair in America.
EurAupair au pairs are also happy to learn that their airfare is provided all the way from their home country to their American homestay community, and all the way back home again at the end of the program year. And EurAupair offers comprehensive medical, travel, accidental death, and personal liability coverage (and this insurance is fully included as a part of the EurAupair program).
EurAupair au pairs soon recognize that EurAupair is dedicated to providing the best exchange experience for all program participants. Hear from au pairs who came to the United States.
You and Your Host Parents
When you are placed with a EurAupair host family, you have the security of knowing that they chose you out of all the au pairs available to them.
The best way to truly become involved with the culture of a foreign country is to live among its people as a member of a family. Every EurAupair au pair exchange participant does just that. Host families are carefully screened by EurAupair and consider it a privilege to welcome EurAupair au pairs into their home.
Your host family will expect you to provide safe, loving, reliable child care assistance for their children for up to 45 hours each week. You may be responsible for bathing and feeding the children, playing games, making up the beds and straightening the children's rooms. Your day may include being available to a sleeping child, helping with schoolwork, or driving the children to football or ballet practice. You won't be responsible for heavy housework, but you may prepare an occasional family meal, help clean up the dishes, or help with the family grocery shopping.
You and the Children
A lot happens in a child's life during a year. They develop physically, mentally and emotionally, growing in great leaps. They are usually very happy, but at times they can be temperamental. Everything to them has an intensity of the new and unknown and you are caught up in it. You become as excited as they when they manage their first steps or when they understand that words mean certain things.
To live with a child for a year is to become permanently attached. It is a deeply rewarding feeling when you become someone of trust and comfort to a child. They will come to you with all their joys and worries.
The EurAupair Handbook
Having enough information and preparation will help make your EurAupair year more rewarding and successful. Before you leave for America, you will receive a EurAupair Handbook full of useful information on adjusting to a new culture, getting to know your host family, recognizing and appreciating cultural differences, and getting the most from your program year.