Our Partners in Your Country

Do you want to become an Au Pair in the US ?

Find out below if EurAupair has a partner office in your home country and contact them to apply!

 A - E     F - L      M - R      S - Z


AS International Education
Blvd de Todos Los Santos 4500 Barrio San Gabriel Lote 246
Dique Lujan, Tigre (1623), Buenos Aires
Tel: (+549)115962-7722
Email: info@asinternationaleducation.com
Web: www.asinternationaleducation.com 




Praça Charles Miller, 152 Pacaembu
Sao Paulo, SP 01234-010
Tel: 55 11 3868 0929
Email: centraldevendas@ci.com.br
Web: www.ci.com.br

Rua Chopin, 42
Barro Vermelho 29057-580. Vitoria . ES . Brasil
Tel: 55 11 4950-1040
Email: atendimento@ie.com.br
Web: www.ie.com.br




Avda. Nueva Providencia 2214
Of. 106
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 556 2 2378 7083 / 084
Email: info@weusa.cl
Web: https://www.weusa.cl/au-pair


Beijing ZhongHui Cultural Exchange Co.,Ltd
Chinese Au Pair Center
Room 1709, HuaTeng BeiTang Business Center, No.37, NanMoFang Road
ChaoYang District, Beijing, P.R. China 100020
Tel: 86 10 6415 9286
Email: info@beijingzhonghui.com
Web: www.aupaircn.com (English)
Web: www.chinaaupairs.com (Chinese)

Guangxi Nanning Management Consultant Co., Ltd.
No 7, Minzhu Road, Guangxi Province
Nanning City, China, 530023
Tel: 86 15578490069
Email: 529142020@qq.com


Intercambios y Turismo Ltda.
Cra 13 38-65 Of 805 Ed. Cervantes
Centro Internacional, Bogota D.C. 110311
Tel: 57 1 752 3933
Email: john@interytur.com
Web: www.interytur.com

Cultural Experience
Carerra 49b # 93 - 38 office 303
La castellana
111211 Bogota
Tel: 571 5334335
Email: gerencia@culturalexperience.co
Web: www.culturalexperience.co

Au Pair & Travels
Carrera 15 # 74-15 Edificio Silmika
Oficina 305, 110221 Bogota
Tel: 57 1 210 3397 - 312 5736
Email: asesoria@aupair-travels.com
Web: www.aupair-travels.com

Czech republicCZECH REPUBLIC

Revoluční 11 

110 00 Praha 1 - Staré Město
Tel: 420 720 021 062

Email: usa@atep.cz
Web: www.atep.cz/programy/aupair-usa/


ASSE Denmark
Vesterbro 18, st., tv.
9000 Aalborg
Tel: +45 31 719749
Email: info@assedanmark.dk
Web: www.assedanmark.dk

Dominican republicDOMINICAN REPUBLIC

Au Pair Exchange
Global Au Pair Exchange CA
Office Place 84, Los Prados
Av. Gustavo Mejia Ricart 227
Santo Domingo 10131
Tel: +1809 255 3272 / +1829 630 1203
Email: coordinadorprocesos@globalexchangeinternational.org
Web: www.tumejorexperiencia.com



Quito Office
Ultimas Noticias N.39-101 and El Universo
Tel: 593- 22248549
Email: aupair@xplorer.com.ec
Web: www.xplorer.com.ec

Guayaquil Office
Ave. Joaquin Orrantia SG1 and Ave. Leopoldo Rodriguez, Trade Building, Tower A, floor 7, office 707
Tel: 593- 45070007
Email: guayaquil@xplorer.com.ec
Web: www.xplorer.com.ec 

El salvadorEL SALVADOR

Au Pair Exchange
Global Au Pair Exchange CA
Colonia Bolivar, Calle ppal. 
Poligono E, #13, Ciudad Delgado
San Salvador, El Salvador
Tel: +1 (786) 774-0157
Email: irinavinculaciones@gmail.com
Web: www.tumejorexperiencia.com



Business Center
Fredrikinkatu 61 A, 6 kerr,
00100 Helsinki
Tel: 358-9-878 1852
Email: jan.saromaa@euraupair.fi
Web: www.euraupair.fi


Programmes Internationaux D'Echanges (PIE)
39, Rue Espariat
13100 Aix-en-Provence
Tel: 04 42 91 31 00
Fax: 04 42 91 30 80
Email: aupair@piefrance.com
Web: www.ameriqueaupair.org


EurAupair Germany / ASSE Germany GmbH
Bobstrasse 6-8
50676 Köln
Tel: 49 221 6507 6060
Email: aupair@assegermany.de 
Web: www.assegermany.de/au-pair/


Mondo Insieme
Via Castiglione, 35
40124 Bologna
Tel: 051 65 69 257
Email: info@mondoinsieme.it
Web: http://mondoinsieme.it/alla-pari-negli-stati-uniti/presentazione-del-programma


Latvia (Jauniesu Celojumi)
Riga LV1058
Tel: +37129657584
Email: info@jauniesucelojumi.lv
Web: https://jauniesucelojumi.lv


Lithuania (Jaunimo keliones)
Liejyklos g. 3
Vilnius LT-01120
Tel: +37060413172
Email: info@jaunimokeliones.lt
Web: https://jaunimokeliones.lt


AuPair Mexico
Antinea #4, Delicias, P.C
62330 Cuernavaca,
Tel: 52 77 7315 3131
Email: coordinacion@aupairmexico.com
Web: https://aupairmexico.com/


Universal Student Exchange Peru
Lord Nelson 286.
Miraflores, Lima
Tel: 511 415-1860 ext. 2602
Email: aupair@workuse.com
Web: www.peru.workuse.com/au-pair/


MultiWay Cursos de Linguas, SA
Avenida Estados Unidos da America, 100 - 13 Fte.
1700-179 Lisboa
Tel: 351-218 132 535
Email: multiway@multiway.org
Web: www.multiway.org/pt/cursos/cursos-academicos/trabalho-estagio/programa-au-pair-nos-eua


American Experience
10 Calea Dorobantilor Ap 4
010572 Bucuresti
Tel: 40 21 2122001
Email: info@americanexperience.ro
Web: www.americanexperience.ro


Radnicka 16
Novi Sad, 21000
Tel: 381 21 310 1510

Smiljaniceva 3
Belgrade, 11000
Tel: 381 11 344 4661
Email: aupair@experience.edu.rs
Web: www.experience.edu.rs

South africaSOUTH AFRICA

Carla’s Au Pairs Head Office
Tel: 27 79 749 2691
Email: info@carlasaupairs.co.za
Web: www.carlasaupairs.co.za/in-america/


Carla’s Au Pairs Namibia
Tel: 264 81 202 8561
Email: namibia@carlasaupairs.co.za
Web: www.carlasaupairs.co.za/in-america/


Aston Herencia
C/ Estrecho de Mesina, 13
28043 Madrid
Tel: 34 91 431 1466
Email: hello@astonherencia.es
Web: https://astonherencia.es/universitarios-y-profesionales/au-pair/

Au Pair First
Rambla Justo Olivera 58 1 - 2
08901 Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
Tel: 34 656 31 28 85
Email: info@aupairfirst.com
Web: www.aupairfirst.com


Ernst Ahlgrensgatan 4C
21759 Malmo
Tel: 46 040 643 6203
Email: info@aupairliv.se
Web: https://www.aupairliv.se/


Bright Future
Educational Exchange INC.
5F, No 13, Sec. 2 Keelung Road
Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110,
Tel: 88 6 227 294 656
Email: bfe@bfe.tw
Web: www.aupair-bf.com.tw


Engenius International Thailand
626 BBD Building, G Floor, Jindathawin
Rama4 Road, Mahaprutharam
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
Tel:  66 65 716 6080, 66 2 117 4742
Email: engenius@gmail.com
Web: http://www.engenius.co.th/


Ozman International Education Services
Barbaros Bulv. Eski Yildiz Cad.
Dalbudak Sok No:2 Sonmez Apt Kat:3
34349 Beşiktaş Istanbul
Tel: 90 212 236 9276 or 0232 4649412
Email: istanbul@ozman.com.tr
Web: www.ozman.com.tr/aupair/


"Studentland" TM
5 Mykhailivska str., of.8
01001 Kiev
Tel: 38 044 230 83 73
Email:  kam@studentland.ua
Web:  www.studentland.ua/aupair_usa.html


Au Pair Exchange
Global Au Pair Exchange CA
Avenida Beethoven, Torre Financiera
Piso 1, of. 1-C, Colinasdebellomonte
Caracas 1050
Tel: 0212-7540317 / 0212-7539775
Email: gerenteprocesosusa@globalexchangeinternational.org
Web: www.tumejorexperiencia.com

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