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- Why EurAupair is the Best
- Living in America
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Become an Au Pair in the USA
Do you love children? Have you dreamed of spending a year in America? Now, while you are young and free? As part of your education or while deciding what to do with your life? Become an au pair and make your dream come true!
You can make it happen, by living as part of an American host family for a whole year through EurAupair International Child Care Programs. You'll help care for your host family's children in exchange for the rich experience of living as a treasured "big sister" or "big brother" in an American family.
As you join in your family's life - and chores - you'll soon realize that even the simplest of family activities - a trip to the market or walk through the neighborhood - helps you learn more about America.
Why Be An Au Pair?
Just think of the rewards of a year abroad! You'll delight in the experience of forming a deep relationship with the children of your host family. You'll practice English in the most natural way - by using it every day with your American family. By the time you leave, it will seem like you've been speaking English all your life.
You'll learn to love the warm, outgoing nature of the American people as you participate in the daily life of your family and community. You'll attend classes at a college or other educational institution, and make friends with American students.
As you experience how other people live, think, and raise their children, you'll discover new things about your own life and culture. And, since your legal J-1 visa allows you to stay for a "13th month," you'll have a chance to see more of America, before returning home to school or work.