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Au Pairs From Serbia Located in Central/Southeastern Europe, Serbia is part of the Balkan countries. Serbians are known to be one of the most hospitable nations in the world. Typically, you can expect your Serbian au pair to be outgoing and to quickly bond with your children. Serbian couples usually have one or two children, and large families are not very common. Ties to extended family are always strong, and family is a core value of the Se [Read more...]


Au Pairs From Serbia

Located in Central/Southeastern Europe, Serbia is part of the Balkan countries. Serbians are known to be one of the most hospitable nations in the world. Typically, you can expect your Serbian au pair to be outgoing and to quickly bond with your children.

Serbian couples usually have one or two children, and large families are not very common. Ties to extended family are always strong, and family is a core value of the Serbian culture. It is common though for young people to move into their own apartment as soon as possible.

Serbs are friendly, warm and welcoming. They enjoy meeting new people and talking with them to learn more about their backgrounds. They make fantastic au pairs because of this eagerness to explore and learn new things in all parts of their lives.

For 30 years, EurAupair has assisted American families with finding au pairs who come into their homes and become a loving influence on their children. We know your experience as a host family will be memorable and rewarding.

General Facts About Serbia

When you connect with an au pair from Serbia, you'll want to know more about their culture and background. To start, here are a few facts:

  • The population of Serbia is 8.7 million.
  • Kosovo is not a part of Serbia after declaring independence 10 years ago.
  • Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is the only city with more than 1 million people.
  • The official language of Serbia is Serbian.
  • Many Serbs become au pairs to travel to the United States and enhance their job prospects for when they return home.
  • Serbs tend to be neat, tidy and polite, and they love looking at the latest trends in fashion.

Family Life and Children in Serbia

Families value customs and traditions in Serbia. Because of the country's high unemployment rate, young people usually stay at home with their parents until they get married. Parents usually pay for their kids to go on to higher learning.

Serbian au pairs will typically have experience doing private babysitting or by completing internships at kindergarten. They make quick connections with kids and immediately interact with them in a familiar manner. They respect kids and treat them as people in their own right, with their own needs and desires. Children quickly feel comfortable with them.

Driving Skills

The minimum driving age in Serbia is 17 years old with adult supervision and 18 years old alone. To obtain a driver’s license, one must first pass a written exam and then a practical exam and is more expensive than here in the United States. We recommend you discuss your driving needs with your au pair during the interviewing process.


Children attend school from kindergarten until the end of primary school, at which point they can choose to attend a regular high school or one that teaches a vocation or profession. Then, many go on to college, while others try trade schools. The school year runs from October through June — a shift from Western schools, which devote more time year-round to schooling.

Communication and Language Skills

Serbian children learn English at school from an early age as it is a mandatory subject from Grade 1 until high school graduation. Starting Grade 5 they can pick a different foreign language to learn in addition to English. As for many other countries, you can expect your Serbian au pair to be more comfortable at writing and reading than speaking and listening. It is a good idea to write down your au pair’s schedule and duties at least in the early stages!


There's no state-recognized official religion in Serbia. The majority of Serbians are Orthodox Christian, though there are pockets of Muslims and Catholics throughout the country as well.


Serbian cuisine has many influences from the countries surrounding it. You'll find hints of Greek, Turkish, Austrian and other traditional foods in Serbia. The nation has a longstanding ban on imports of genetically modified food. Common dishes include minced meat and schnitzel, while plum brandy is a favorite drink.

Hosting Au Pairs From Serbia

Are you ready to become a host family for an au pair from Serbia? We'll be happy to assist you in your application process. Get in touch with us today to get started, and soon, you'll enjoy discussing traditional Serbian cuisine with your new au pair.

Contact us to begin the application process. Get ready for an exciting experience of cultural exchange that your family will talk about for years to come.

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