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7 Au Pairs found


Au Pairs From Italy The Italian culture is reach and diverse, from its architecture, art, fashion, to cuisine! Food is usually a means to tie family members and friends. You can expect your Italian au pair to be well educated, eager to participate in your family life, and to warm up rather easily to your family and child(ren). For Italians, family is at the center of their lives, providing stability, support, and guidance to one another. Exte [Read more...]


Au Pairs From Italy

The Italian culture is reach and diverse, from its architecture, art, fashion, to cuisine! Food is usually a means to tie family members and friends. You can expect your Italian au pair to be well educated, eager to participate in your family life, and to warm up rather easily to your family and child(ren).

For Italians, family is at the center of their lives, providing stability, support, and guidance to one another. Extended family usually live near-by and relatives often meet for gatherings and meals. The family provides financial support and children often live at home while attending post-secondary schools. Children tend to move out late from their parents’ home and remain very close to their family once living on their own. You can expect your Italian au pair to be warm and caring.

EurAupair has been pairing qualified, loving au pairs with American host families for three decades. We know you'll love welcoming an au pair from Italy into your home and enjoy the cultural exchange that occurs when you both share your backgrounds.

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General Facts About Italy and Italian Culture

Italy has a long history and a rich culture that makes it one of the world's most fascinating places. You'll learn more about the country from your au pair, such as the following facts:

  • Italy has 59 million people living in it.
  • The country has very uneven population centers, with many people flocking to cities like Rome, the Po Valley and Naples, while countrysides are less population-dense.
  • Italian is the official language of Italy, though most people also speak English, and French and German are also spoken.
  • Many Italians become au pairs for the opportunity to visit the United States.
  • Italians love their families, and their lives are fast-paced but orderly.
  • When Italians return to their country after being an au pair, they have better job prospects.

Family Life and Children in Italy

Italian au pairs will likely have gained most of their child care experience doing regular babysitting, usually for relatives, caring for cousins, nephews and nieces, or caring for children in their neighborhood. Some Italian au pairs will also have been camp counselors or educators.

Italian families enjoy spending time together, especially meal times. Mothers often cook for the family, and extended family will join together for meals. Children help with chores around the home from an early age.

Driving Skills Upon Au Pair Arrival

In Italy, the minimum age to obtain a driver’s license (or learner’s permit) is 18 years old. In order to get a driver’s license, Italians must pass a written exam as well as a practical exam. The cost of driving lessons and of the written and practical exams is not cheap, but more affordable than other European countries.

Since gridlock is common in Italian cities, most drivers have experience in difficult conditions and feel comfortable driving in urban environments.

Current Au Pair Education

Italians obtain their secondary education from age 6 and continue through age 16. Many go on to college, which is fairly cheap because most of the schools are supported by the state. College has become more common among young people in recent years, as the international job market becomes more competitive.

Communication and Language Skills

Although English is mandatory in Italian schools, their spoken English skills are not the highest among Western European countries. Their English level will compare to the one of the French and Spanish people. Your Italian au pair will most likely have a better understanding of English in writing and reading so do not hesitate to use written communication especially early on the program.

Unlike in many other European countries, English TV shows are dubbed in Italy, which means Italians do not hear frequent examples of how to pronounce English words. They may get pronunciations wrong at first. In fact, many au pairs want to come to the United States to improve their English skills and get experience speaking the language.

Italians do often use their hands to convey their points and display emotion. They love to talk and will engage socially to speak English more frequently.

Religion for Families in Italy

The vast majority of Italians practice Catholicism, and the head of the religious lives in the Vatican, which is in Rome. The Muslim population has also grown in the country.

Diet in Another Host Country

Food plays a central role in Italian life. Preparing food is seen as a way to socialize and show people you care about them. Meals often center on cheese and pasta, and wine also makes an appearance at most dinners. Tomato-based pasta dishes are popular in the south, and, of course, Italians invented pizza. Espresso coffee is also quite popular.

Hosting an Italian Au Pair

Are you ready to open your home as a host family to au pairs from Italy? You and your family will treasure this enriching experience. Get in touch with us to learn more about the opportunities for au pairs. You can start by filling out our application, and we'll find Italian au pairs for you to interview and begin a cultural exchange experience.

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