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For Au Pair Services in the USA: EurAupair - U.S. Government-Designated Sponsor Organization Since 1988

Your children are the most precious part of your life. Getting the right care for them means finding an au pair agency in the USA that you can trust to provide excellent care. You want reliable au pair services from an organization with a well-established record, all while providing an amazing cultural experience to an au pair from another country who is eager to experience America.

Choose the Best United States Au Pair Program

We can provide exactly what you need. With over 30 years of experience, EurAupair (pronounced "yoor´-ô-pair") is an official United States government-designated exchange visitor program sponsor. EurAupair is a U.S. not-for-profit, public benefit organization founded to improve understanding among people of different countries through cultural exchange.

EurAupair is one of the oldest, largest and most trusted au pair agencies in the United States. Through its network of affiliated overseas offices, EurAupair screens young people who want to become au pairs. Like the au pair tradition itself, EurAupair has its roots in Europe. From this long-standing heritage, EurAupair brings to the United States bright, responsible au pairs who assist in caring for your children in exchange for inclusion in American family life, the opportunity to study at an American college and exposure to a new culture.

The Benefits of Inviting an Au Pair Into Your Life With EurAupair

In your search for an au pair program in the USA, you may find yourself wondering how participating in such a program can benefit your life and the lives of your children. An au pair cares for children as a nanny would, but also offers more benefits to you and your children, including:

1. Convenience and Flexibility

An au pair offers parents extra support to make juggling a busy schedule easier. Au pairs can transport your children to music lessons, Little League and Scout meetings, so your children don't miss out on anything! Au pairs can get children ready for school in the morning, greet them and help them with homework in the afternoons, care for a sick child or take them to the doctor or dentist when you can't be there.

While life can be hectic and unpredictable, an au pair will be there to help you and your children stay organized, succeed and participate in life. Because your au pair lives with you, you get convenience and flexibility. Schedule child care to your needs, even if they change day to day.

2. Stronger Connection

Compared to nannies, au pairs create a stronger connection with your children. An au pair lives with you, becoming like a sibling to your children, whereas a nanny leaves at the end of the workday. Nannies also work with other families, while your au pair stays with you and bonds with your family to create a stronger connection and become a new family member from abroad. 

3. Cultural Experience

When you invite an au pair into your family with an agency in the USA, you're offering them a cultural experience of American life, and you and your children gain a similar experience, as well. Exchange stories of life in a different country with your au pair or select an au pair who can help your children learn a new language. Broaden your family's horizons, and learn something new from your au pair.

The Benefits of Using a U.S. Government-Designated Au Pair Agency

Once you've decided to make this addition to your family, you'll need an au pair agency in the USA, and EurAupair is the ideal choice. We have earned the designation by the U.S. government by following guidelines from the United States Department of State. This means our au pairs are:

  • Thoroughly screened and selected to participate in the program.
  • Properly trained in child development and safety.
  • Closely monitored throughout their year with your family through regular personal contact.

So, what is the best au pair agency? Look no further than EurAupair. As one of the most reputable au pair agencies in America, we recognize the importance of offering flexibility and reliability.

We will happily help you find the best au pair candidate for your child care needs and your family's schedule. Hosting an au pair is an affordable and rewarding child care option, as your children will gain an understanding of other cultures in the comfort of their own home.

EurAupair offers today's busy families an in-home child care alternative that is culturally enriching, convenient, legal, and affordable. Explore our au pair program reviews to see what others are saying about EurAupair, and contact us today to get your application started.

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